We get it.

For a business to be its most effective, you need three core elements – a sales team bringing in new business, an operations team delivering high quality results to that business and a financial team invoicing for the completed business.

If you’re missing any one of the three, your business can’t grow, will have trouble scaling and could possibly get caught in a vicious cycle of stress and chasing the wrong work.

Wondering how we get it as a specialized firm in headhunting?

An executive recruitment desk runs very much like a small business. On one recruiter’s plate is the need to bring in new business, deliver high quality results and then bill.

It’s a lot. We get it.

But it doesn’t have to be if you have the right tools to help with at least one of those three core elements.

That’s why we’re pumped to share a business development and sales tool that’s worked for us. It’s helped us scale, put the right effort into the right things and has still allowed for us to stay true to our core values.

Read enough and want to get started now?

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At its very core this tool is a virtual sales assistant, sending messages to potential new clients via LinkedIn on your behalf.

We know what you’re thinking (because we probably thought it, too, at first).

How could a message cut through the noise of the many messages on social media?

How…we can’t say for certain. What we can say for certain is that it works.

Lee Group Search has been utilizing this tool for years and had some incredible (and -measurable) results.

On average, it’s creating two to three warm introduction calls per week with prospective clients and today 90% of our new leads come from this effort.

Get in touch with us now and get started with this powerful tool.

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Woman sitting at desk in an office

Still reading and thinking, “this all sounds great, but my business and work is very personal and I’d rather develop relationships in real life to get business.”

Us, too.

As recruiters we are in a people business. We build relationships. We’re the matchmakers of jobs to people and people to careers. That can’t happen with managed services alone.

What CAN happen with managed services is introducing ourselves to more people via technology that leads to that in-person relationship building.

We get to build relationships with those introductions that follow up in real life while this managed services tool is running in the background making virtual introductions on our behalf.

It’s high-tech meets high-touch.

And it’s been working for us.

Read enough to at least see what this is about?

Start Your Application

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